FCB: Furia, cólera y bilis
Hablamos de un equipo que está en el primer año de su...
“Has oído hablar de mí desde que eras joven. Me has estado siguiendo desde que eras un niño. Ahora debes enfrentarte a mí, ¡a tu maestro!”. Ali a Foreman, instantes antes...
Bundini fought it, but a smile began to tickle his lips. “Bundini, are we going to dance?”, asked Ali. “All night long”, said Bundini. “Yes, we are going...
“The whites of Ali’s eyes showed the glaze of a combat soldier who has just seen a dismembered arm go flying across the sky after an explosion. What kind of monster...
«Confidence on both sides makes for war». The fight, Norman Mailer El primer acto está escrito. El Barça ganó anoche la Liga, pero curiosamente, el resultado carga de confianza a La...
«Whereas Foreman offered full menace. In any nightmare of carnage, he would go on and on (…). He is conceivably the most frightening unarmed killer alive. With his hands he could...